About the AC&E North America Mark

There are several types of AC&E North America Mark Certification Marks, described below. Each has its own specific meaning and significance.

The AC&E North America marks may only be used on or in connection with products certified by AC&E North America. A drawing of the AC&E North America Mark must be submitted and approved before the project approval letter can be issued. The AC&E North America may appear in any size provided that the artwork dimensions are not less than 0.25 inch in diameter, and all required text is clearly legible.

The AC&E North America Mark is required to contain the appropriate artwork, the certification number and either the standard numbers or category text issued by AC&E North America. Artwork is provided below to help in the creation of the drawing and future labels.

NRTL AC&E North American Product Certifications may be marked with one of the following

Component Recognitions may be marked with one of the following

Classifications may be marked with one of the following

The AC&E North America Classified mark is used on products which AC&E North America Labs has evaluated for a limited range of hazards, or suitability for use under limited or special conditions. Example: The product is not investigated for all the hazards called out by the Part 1 or Part 2 standard, so it is not in full compliance with all applicable requirements of the standard. In this case, the mark includes the statement of what hazards were assessed and covered by the classification.

In some cases the Classification mark is used for product certifications where a product does not clearly fit within the scope of a single product safety standard. In these cases, if we can determine that a product complies with relevant requirements from several standards and wiring codes in order to determine suitability for a particular application, AC&E North America will use the Classification mark to indicate compliance.